Tuesday 25 October 2016

Garcinia Cambogia --- don’t just get fascinated with the advertisement they give... know the fact

Garcinia Cambogia, a tropical fruit also known as the Malabar tamarind, is a popular weight loss supplement. Yesterday I met one of my relative who has been taking this supplement from past two months. To be frank there is no noticeable change. In fact she complains for lack of sleep from past few months. Fortunately she does not have other alarming symptoms. She got fascinated with the discount offer over the internet.

This incidence raised question to my mind “Does it live up to its hype? And how do I spread my word being a weight management Expert?”
This supplement may have a little effect, but it might not be worth it. This article will try to focus on the ill effects that has been proved and tested in the lab animal

How it works

According to a recent report of three separate cases, The Mode of Action explained above may have an unwanted side effect of inducing Mania, which is feeling of an abnormally high level of energy.
All of the patients were stable and had generally positive moods before the mania began, according to the report. Once they became manic, they experienced common symptoms of mania such as a decreased need for sleep, irritability, excessive spending and “pressured speech” meaning they spoke very quickly and frenziedly, according to the report.

So just get alarmed if any one of you, who use this supplement, has the above symptoms.

I don’t deny the fact that this supplement has success stories as well. But as a nutritionist and a weight management expert I hereby would like to convey a message to all –  “Do not choose the short cuts to improve your health."

Choose my ABT (Acceptance Based Behavioral Treatment) program. Decide your own fitness goal and compete to your own unhealthy life style and not with your friend.

Stay connected Stay healthy
By- Dt. Shweta Nagar

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